INTERVIEW ABIDUL ISLAM: If you work hard success will knock on your door

2 min readApr 26, 2021

MR RAHAT AMIN Taking An Interview Of Abidul Islam

I am a regular follower of you. I regularly read blogs. I am so much happy today that I can take your interview.


Reporter (MR RAHAT AMIN): Everyone what your age I want to once again. What old isYou?

ABIDUL ISLAM: You say everyone why you want to know again. whatever my age right now 18.Wherever I go for an interview or something everyone wants to my age.

Reporter: Why did you choose Blogging as a career?

ABIDUL ISLAM: I think, I can write well. Basically when I got my 2nd payment from AdSense

that time I decided blogging as a career. I saw here is the potentiality to do something.

Reporter: What is your aim in life?

ABIDUL ISLAM: Clear cut answer, I want to be a tech entrepreneur

Reporter: How you started your career?

ABIDUL ISLAM: I start blogging as a hobby. When I realized that, I can such a good amount of money that time I take it as a career. I start blogging from the google free platform blogger.

Reporter: Who is your Blogging inspiration?

ABIDUL ISLAM: I don’t have any inspiration. But I follow Michael Arrington — TechCrunch.

Reporter: What’s you will give to the society

ABIDUL ISLAM: I always want to give the truth and actual tinks. I wrote on my blog actual Stuff. I have never written for my profit. I try to give society the truth.

If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”

― Mark Twain.

Reporter: What do you suggest to the new generation and your age fellows?

Abidul Islam: I just say, If you work hard success will knock on your door, never give up.What you are doing it regularly.

Reporter: Thank you a lot to give us that much time.

